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zaryadlanmaydigan elektr chorvachilik ishlab chiqaruvchisi -SP612150


Electric Livestock Prodder is Ergonomic design with permanently sealed motor. Eliminating accidental shocks, safety clip prohibits harmful surprises. Solid-state electronic system delivers consistent, superior performance. The highest output releases a strong and instantaneous jolt, but with the least amount of power to keep the prod more durable. New charge-up mode, a pin hole was attached to charge the battery up, not slipping up the battery. Rigid fiberglass 32” is Included.

Batareya quvvati: 4000 mA / soat 4C ”ishqoriy batareya
Ish vaqti: 8 soat uzluksiz foydalanish.
Sertifikat: CE, TUV
Chiqish: Vaqtinchalik kuchlanish: 9000V
Chiqish oqimi: 3mA/s

Foydalanish bo’yicha ko’rsatma:
1. Tasmani bilagingizga o’rab oling.
2. “ON” holatiga o’tish.
3. Triggerni bosing
4. Hayvonlar bilan aloqa qiling
5. Tetikni bo’shating
6. “OFF” holatiga o’ting.

Tutqich har xil mil bilan ishlashi mumkin


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