- 30
- Aug
isingadzoreke Magetsi Chipfuwo Prodder -SP612150
Electric Livestock Prodder is Ergonomic design with permanently sealed motor. Eliminating accidental shocks, safety clip prohibits harmful surprises. Solid-state electronic system delivers consistent, superior performance. The highest output releases a strong and instantaneous jolt, but with the least amount of power to keep the prod more durable. New charge-up mode, a pin hole was attached to charge the battery up, not slipping up the battery. Rigid fiberglass 32” is Included.
Bhatiri Kugona: 4000mAh 4C ”alkaline bhatiri
Kushanda maawa: maawa masere anoramba achishandiswa.
Chitupa: CE, TUV
Kubuditsa: Pfupi Voltage: 9000V
Kubuda Kwazvino: 3mA / s
Mirayiridzo yekushanda:
1. Sunga tambo paruoko rwako.
2. Kurumidza kuenda “ON” chinzvimbo.
3. Dhinda rinokonzeresa
4. Ita kusangana nemhuka
5. Regedza chikungiso
6. Chinja kune “OFF” chinzvimbo.
Iyo Handle Inogona Kushanda Neakasiyana Shaft