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Prodder Beostoic Leictreach neamh-in-athluchtaithe -SP612150


Electric Livestock Prodder is Ergonomic design with permanently sealed motor. Eliminating accidental shocks, safety clip prohibits harmful surprises. Solid-state electronic system delivers consistent, superior performance. The highest output releases a strong and instantaneous jolt, but with the least amount of power to keep the prod more durable. New charge-up mode, a pin hole was attached to charge the battery up, not slipping up the battery. Rigid fiberglass 32” is Included.

Cumas Ceallraí: Ceallraí alcaileach 4000mAh 4C ”
Uaireanta oibre: 8 n-uaire an chloig úsáid leanúnach.
Teastas: CE, TUV
Aschur: Voltas Neamhbhuan: 9000V
Aschur Reatha: 3mA / s

Treoir Oibriúcháin:
1. Timfhilleadh strap timpeall do wrist.
2. Téigh go suíomh “ON”.
3. Brúigh truicir
4. Déan teagmháil le hainmhithe
5. Spreagadh scaoilte
6. Athraigh go suíomh “OFF”.

Is féidir leis an Láimhseáil oibriú le seafta éagsúla


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