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40mm kocingo kagesi polytape 12 * 0.20mm -PT40110

Isingeniso Sokukhiqiza:

Ububanzi: 40mm.
Iphakheji: roll plastic
Incazelo: UV, 12x 0.20mm Insimbi Engagqwali
Ubude: 200m



izinto zokwakha: insimbi engagqwali # 304A
wire ejwayelekile: GB4240-2007
ubukhulu: 0.20mm (± 0.01mm)

izinto zokwakha: I-HDPE nxazonke i-monofilament UV izinzile.
ubukhulu: I-1000 Denier [0.32mm]
color: blue, black

Iphethini Yokwakha

A. 6 x Black HDPE 1000 denier monofilaments and 1 x SS304 strand twisted.
B. 36 x Blue HDPE 1000 denier monofilaments and 10 x SS304 strand twisted.
C. 1 x Blue HDPE 1000 denier monofilament for crossing connection, 2.3mm between each crossing-connection

[1xA] + [1xB] + [1xA] ukunitha nge- [1xC] ukunitha esiphambanweni.


1. imicu yensimbi engagqwali yamandla aphakeme kakhulu okugoba.
2. imicu ye-polyethylene yempilo ende kakhulu.
3. I-polyethylene engu-100% eyintombi ene-UV inhibitor esezingeni eliphakeme.
4.ukuqhutshwa okuhle kakhulu. I-OEM iyamukeleka.