- 03
- Oct
Electric Fence ABS Warning Sign -FA10404
Ishlab chiqarishga kirish:
Electric Fence ABS Warning Sign
1. Size is 210 x 120 x 2mm, this size can be customized.
2. with 3mm holes on each corner.
3. Both sided printed.
4. Ink: Japan NSK sunscreen ink or the Sericol ink from UK. the ink on the PVC board won’t fade within 5 years.
5. The ABS board won’t fade within 5 years.
PP, PVX, ABS ogohlantirish belgisi o’rtasidagi farq:
Materiallar | PP | PVX | ABS |
XARAJATLAR | arzon | o’rta | baland |
Atrof muhitga ta’siri | Zarar | Zarar | Friendly |
O’lcham | belgilangan | Tahrirlash mumkin | Tahrirlash mumkin |