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Heavy Duty Customized PVC Tarpaulin -CT32001

Heavy duty PVC tarpaulins are made in PVC coated polyester tarpaulin fabric due to its excellent strength, durability and water resistant properties, these tarpaulins are the strongest ready made tarpaulins we offer, heavy duty tarpaulin is extremely tough, durable, UV resistant and 100% waterproof.

Bahan: 100% benang Poliéster sareng Palapis PVC

Warna: Warna naon waé sayogi
Beurat: 500gsm ~ 850gsm
Ketebalan: 0.30mm ~ 0.62mm
Tiasa nganggo atanapi henteu nganggo tali waja
Eyelet didamel tina waja galvanis anu dicelupkeun panas.

Size: made to measure.

1. Waterproof , Flame Retardant fireproof, UV-resistant, anti-corrosion Etc;

2. Struktur teguh tiasa nahan angin gedé sareng salju dina usum salju.

3. kakuatan tinggi, instalasi Mudah, beurat low, kapasitas ageung, Stabilitas alus teuing

4. Bentuk Oval ngantep salju gampang geser ka handap.

5. Desain & produksi mandiri

Gudang, Carports, Kantor samentawis, Ladang atanapi alat industri (sapertos rumah Ternak), Bengkel, Pesta, Acara ageung…