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Animal Weight Measure Tape -MT625863

Soo-Saaris Soo-Saaris:

1. Animal weight Tape is a thick, durable, vinyl coated fiberglass tape that accurately estimates the weight of pigs or cattle in pounds or kilograms.
2. Eco-friendly PVC plastic tape can pass Europe and the United StatesROHS,En-71 and 6P (without phthalate) environmental testing, PE plastic tape measure especially fit Japanese market with more stringent environmental requirements.
3. Cajalad cabbir oo si otomaatig ah loo rogi karo adiga oo riixaya badhanka kiiska ku habboon isticmaalkiisa.
4. Cajalad lagu cabiro xoolaha oo lagu daabacay mitir dhinac ah, kg dhinaca dambe oo Ingiriis iyo Faransiis ah. Waxaad tixraaci kartaa wareegga xayawaanka iyo miisaanka u dhigma, si aad u ogaato miisaanka jirka xayawaanka.

Product Name Pigs/Cattle Weight Measure Tape
brand OEM
Color caddaan, guduud, oranji, iwm.
Waxyaabaha ABS case, PVC + fiberglass tape, metal loop.
model MT625863
Codsiga Doofaarka, Lo’da iwm.