- 08
- May
Flexigate Tape, Flexigate Gate System Tape,Flexigate Electric Fence Tape Roller Gate, China factory supplier
Flexigate Tape
Muenzaniso: 103.301
1. wedzera kusvika 6m.
2. tambo yakakura yakagadzirwa nepolyethylen.(chena kana nhema).
3. polytape: hupamhi: 40mm, 2 yakasimbiswa mupendero kumativi ose, condcutor: 8 x 0.40 mm simbi isina tsvina.
4. yekuvhura nyore, kuvhura pasina kusangana kwepasi.
5. inotenderera ichingoerekana yovhurwa suwo.
6. zvishongedzo zvinosanganisirwa: posvo kana madziro gomo kusanganisira screws uye nzungu
we manufacture the Flexigate Tape for export to Europe, the flexigate tape is with 6m retractable conductive polytape for easy opening, also this polytape can be customized according to your requirement, but the length should be not more than 40mm. also the polytape can be replaced by the polyrope, that is Flexigate Rope for option. welcome your inquiry for more details.
Flexigate Tape, Flexigate Gate System Tape,Flexigate Electric Fence Tape Roller Gate, China fekitari mutengesi,Flexigate Gate System with 40mm Tape,FlexiGate 6m x 40mm,Retractable Poly Tape Gate,Flexigate Gate System Tape,Electric Fence Retractable Roller Tape Gate Handle Kit,Flexigate Tape, Recoil Tape Kits,Tape Gate Kit,Flexigate Electric Fence Tape Roller Gate, Recoil Tape Gate Kit,Retractable Poly Tape Gate 5m,Retractable 40mm Tape Gate Kit,Retractable Tape Gate Kit,Flexigator,China fekitari,Retractable Tape Magetsi Fence Gedhi,Flexigate Tape,Retractable Tape Gedhi Mubato, Flexigate Gate System Tape,Flexigate Rope,electric fence retractable gate,flexible Gate System,Flexigate Electric Fence Tape Roller Gedhi,Gate Flexigate Reel,electric fence retractable gate,Flexigator,Chinese fekitori mutengesi,Flexigate Electric Fence Tape Roller Gedhi,