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Retractable Rope Gate Handle, Recoil Rope Gate Kit, Retractable Rope Gate Kit, China factory manufacturer exporter
Retractable Rope Gate Handle
Model: 103.302
1. ຂະຫຍາຍໄດ້ສູງສຸດ 6m.
2. ເຊືອກກວ້າງເຮັດດ້ວຍໂພລີເອທີເລນ.(ສີຂາວ ຫຼືສີດຳ).
3. polyrope: diameter: 6mm, condcutor: 6 x 0.20 mm stainless steel.
4. ເພື່ອຄວາມສະດວກໃນການເປີດ, ເປີດໂດຍບໍ່ມີການຕິດຕໍ່ກັບພື້ນດິນ.
5. ມ້ວນກັບຄືນອັດຕະໂນມັດເມື່ອເປີດປະຕູ.
6. ອຸປະກອນເສີມລວມມີ: ເສົາ ຫຼືຕິດຝາ ລວມທັງສະກູ ແລະໝາກໄມ້
We produce the Recoil Rope Gate Kit, which is used for fast installation of flexible gates and partitions on pastures, drive paths, passage ways and paddocks, polyrope restract automatically and are protected inside the housing, the polyrope also can be replace by the 40mm polytape.
Retractable Rope Gate Handle, Recoil Rope Gate Kit, Retractable Rope Gate Kit, China factory manufacturer exporter supplier,electric fence retractable gate,Retractable Rope Gate Handle, Flexigator,flexible Gate System,Retractable Rope Gate Kit, Gate Flexigate Reel,Flexi-Gate,Flexigate Rope,Recoil Rope Gate Kit, China factory exporter ຜູ້ຜະລິດ ,Flexigate Rope Gate System,Retractable Rope Gate Kit, Flexigate Gate System Rope,Retractable Rope Gate,Retractable Roller Gate,Recoil Rope Gate Kit,Flexigate Gate System,Retractable Rope Gate Handle, Gate Handle Set with Polyethylene Rope 6mm,Flexigate Gate System with 6m Rope,Retractable Rope Gate, ຈີນ ການສົ່ງອອກ ຜູ້ຜະລິດໂຮງງານ