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Retractable Roller Gate With 6m Poly Rope for Electric Fence -AR10302

Pirtûka Hilberînê:

Retractable Roller Gate With 6m Poly Rope for Electric Fence
For fast installation of flexible gates and partitions on pastures, drive paths, passage ways and paddocks, poly rope restrict automatically and are protected inside the housing. Mounting accessories and gate handle are included.


1. heta 6m dirêj bike.
2. çepera fireh a ji polyethene (spî an reş).
3. poly rope: diameter: 6mm, conductor: 6 x 0.20 mm stainless steel.
4. ji bo vekirina hêsan, vekirina bêyî têkiliya axê.
5. Dema ku derî vebe bixweber vedigere.
6. aksesûarên ku tê de hene: post an dîwarê çîçek û gûz tê de hene.

Poly Rope:

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