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double-side Intelligent constant temperature piglet automatic milk feeder with 10 nipples -MF724025

Double-side Intelligent constant temperature piglet automatic milk feeder
Double-side Intelligent constant temperature piglet automatic milk feeder

Double-side Intelligent constant temperature piglet automatic milk feeder

Feeder Susu Babi Otomatis.
double sides with 10 nipples, 5 nipple each side.
tanpa swara.
ukuran produk: 56 * 23 * 33cm
Ukuran Paket: 58*25*35 cm
bobote net: 7kgs.
kapasitas susu: 10L
kekuwatan: 120W
voltase: 220V


1. digawe saka stainless steel.
2. otomatis dadi panas suhu pancet
3. susu nyawiji otomatis.
4. pentil customzed kanggo piglet.
5. pentil anti bocor kanggo nyegah sampah.
6. pangayoman bocor telung tingkat.
7. gampang operate.
8. digunakake kanggo milking lan feed.


Manual instruksi:
1. unpack karton lan njupuk metu mesin.
2. Nyedhot susu bubuk karo banyu lan pour menyang kothak susu.
3. nyambungake sumber daya lan ngalih ing.
4. nyiyapake pengontrol suhu: setelan standar pabrik: suhu wiwitan pemanasan ing sisih kiwa yaiku 33 ℃, suhu mandheg pemanasan ing sisih tengen 35 ℃, yen suhu susu ora cocog, sampeyan bisa nyetel, contone. 33 ℃ ~ 35 ℃ , 35 ℃ ~ 37 ℃ , 38 ℃ ~ 40 ℃