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Pig tooth cutter, piglet tooth cutter,piglet teeth cutter, China factory supplier

Piglet Tooth Cutter
Model: 324.412
Ejiri igwe anaghị agba nchara
Site na aka nkịtị ma ọ bụ ijikọ aka.
Oghere na -ehulata ma ọ bụ kwụ ọtọ.
Ogologo: 12.5cm, 13cm, 13.5cm, 14cm, wdg.

Pig tooth cutter
Pig tooth cutter

Anyị na-emepụta ihe piglet tooth cutter for export to Europe, and this piglet tooth cutter can be customized according to your requirement, for example, the notch can be bending or straight, the length can be 12.5cm, 13cm 13.5cm and 14cm,etc. welcome your inquiry!

Pig tooth cutter
Pig tooth cutter

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