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Automatic Pig Feeders
263.501 65L Isiphakeli sengulube.
263.502  100L power feeder for finishing.
263.503  100L granulated feeder for finishing.
263.504  140L feeder for finishing

Uhlobo Usayizi I-Hopper Volume Umthamo Isisindo Sezingulube
Okuphakelayo okungama-65L Kwengulube 980 x 555 mm Ama-65L / 45 kgs Izingulube ezingama-30-50 I-6-30 kgs
I-100L Powder Element Yokuqeda 1120 x 710 mm Ama-100L / 70 kgs Izingulube ezingama-50-70 I-30-110 kgs
Isisabalalisi Esenziwe Nge-100L Sokuqeda 1120 x 710 mm Ama-100L / 70 kgs Izingulube ezingama-50-70 I-30-110 kgs
I-140L Element Yokuqeda 1100 x 840 mm Ama-140L / 100 kgs Izingulube ezingama-70-100 I-30-110 kgs

Senza izinga eliphezulu izingulube ezizenzakalelayo for export worldwide, our automatic pig feeders are robust frame structure and easy cleaning, the bracket can be made of stainless steel or hot dipped galvanized steel,  agitator inside the hopper efficiently prevents feed bridging. we have various size for option, welcome your inquiry, thank you!

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Automatic Pig Feeders
Automatic Pig Feeders