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Pager Listrik Klip Buaya -CD30301

Pengenalan Produksi:

Pager Listrik Klip Buaya Klip Alligator Klip
Klip buaya ieu nganggo klip terisolasi sareng kontak stainless steel
This crocodile clip enables you to connect, for example, the energizer with the fence or grounding stake. The practical, insulated clips make connection very simple. Thanks to the robust stainless-steel clips, good mechanical and electrical connection is guaranteed.


1. bahan: ABS
2. serbaguna pisan
3. klip buaya mantap
4. klip insulated kalayan kontak stainless steel.
5. gampang pisan sareng praktis dianggo.
6. sambungan mékanis sareng listrik anu saé.
7. idéal pikeun pager mobile.
8. warna anu béda aya, sapertos beureum, biru, konéng, héjo, jst.